President Donald Trump is unfit to lead the United States through the pandemic, the economic and social crisis, the peaceful George Floyd murder protests and riots. He has no empathy. Furthermore, the former reality TV star and current “Twitter president” is used to stir up emotions, to polarize, not to calm a situation full of dangerous tensions. The notorious liar Donald J. Trump not only has no moral authority in the current, multiple crisis, he has also seriously damaged the soft power of the United States around the globe.
The inadequate response to the SARS-CoV-2-pandemic, the weaknesses of the American healthcare system and the lockdown have left over 40 million people in the United States unemployed. With the job, many lost access to the healthcare system. Economic and social tensions are rising.
A recent report concluded that Donald J. Trump has made 19,127 false or misleading claims since taking office, former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders tweeted. Despite that incredible, unprecedented number of lies by a sitting president, a new poll finds that a strong minority of 35% of Americans still believe that Trump is honest. These are his hard-core supporters. For them, it’s not about facts and arguments. They are believers . They are followers of the Donald Trump cult.
As for the COVID19-pandemic, Blacks are hit harder than other ethnic group in the United States. For instance in Michigan, only 14% of the overall population are African Americans, but 40% of the SARS-CoV-2 victims are Blacks. They are poorer than the average American. Too many are overweight, often due to junk food diets, resulting in more health problems than the average American is suffering from. And Blacks have less access to healthcare than the average U.S. citizen.
Regarding the George Floyd murder, there are too many “isolated incidents” not to see a pattern in police brutality against African Americans. His is not the only documented case of a victim of police violence saying “I can’t breathe.”
It took Minneapolis officials five days to arrest Derek Chauvin, the police officer caught on video responsible for the death of George Floyd. He had 18 prior complaints filed against him with the Minneapolis police. His three colleagues present at the George Floyd crime scene have been fired, but not arrested. The official autopsy has come to the conclusion that George Floyd died of “asphyxia due to neck and back compression” and that is was “homicide”. Derek Chauvin has finally been charged with manslaughter and third-degree murder.
In addition, the murder of George Floyd has led to legitimate, peaceful protests in at least 140 cities (New York Times) across the United States against police brutality and racism as well as to riots accompanied by acts of vandalism, violence and looting. Some of it may be the result of frustration, some of it is simply the result of criminal energy. Furthermore, according to an NBC New York report, New York’s top terrorism official claimed that there is evidence that members of anarchist groups from outside the city intentionally planned to incite violence at George Floyd protests. In other cities, shady groups also tried to hijack the peaceful protests.
The situation is complex. Let’s not forget that the crime rate among African Americans is higher than the one among any other ethnic group. It is also true that the largest ethnic group victim of Black violence are Blacks.
Furthermore, it is too simple to blame just Republicans. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Governor Andrew Cumo are Democrats. Their initial response to the pandemic in March was inadequate, to put it mildly. The Mayor of the city of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, is a Democrat.
Add to this dark, partial picture the fact that, within a few months, the United States went from excellent economic data in January to an economic disaster unseen since the Great Depression. However, already before the Covid19-crisis and the lockdown, Trump’s economic and trade policies were questionable, with the potential to trigger a recession and sabotage his own reelection. The sanitary crisis and the ill-guided answer to it have triggered an economic crisis which is made worse by Trump’s previous, ill-guided policies, actions and behaviour.
The Democrat and Trump-challenger Joe Biden is surely not the best candidate for the top-job available. But in comparison with the current occupant of the White House, he is the far better option. Last, but not least, he shows empathy and has credibility within the African American community.
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Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, October 6, 2017. Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead. Public domain.
Article added on June 2, 2020 at 01:45 Swiss time.