The new French government of President Macron

May 17, 2017 at 20:20 383

The new prime minister, the minister of the economy and the budget minister of President Macron’s government all come from the Republican Party.

The composition of the new French government took longer than expected to materialize. President Macron and Prime Minister Philippe have come forward with a list of 22 names that represent the renewal advocated by candidate Macron during his campaign. The obvious downside is that the new French government lacks ministerial experience.

The result of the choices made:
– 18 ministers and 4 secretaries of state
– half of them are women, half of them are men
– 9 members of the cabinet belong to no party, they have been recruited from civil society
– 4 members of government are members of President Macron’s new party La République en Marche !
– 3 members of the government come from the Republican Party (LR), including Prime Minister Philippe, the former mayor of the city of Le Havre
– 2 ministers are Socialists, including the former, respected and able minister of defense Jean-Yves Le Drian, who is now in charge of Foreign Affairs
– 2 members of the cabinet come from the social-liberal party Parti radical de gauche (PRG)
– 2 members of the government are members of the centrist movement MoDem, including the new Minister of Justice, François Bayrou, who indorsed Macron in February, when he needed it. The downside of Bayrou is that he is a small chief who imagines himself to be a big boss
– Only 4 members of the cabinet have an experience as ministers in previous governments
– Last, but not least, Prime Minister Philippe, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and Budget Minister Gérald Darmanin all come from the Republican Party (LR), which will make it difficult for the Republican right to attack the new government on economic reform

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Emmanuel Macron in April 2015. Photo Copyright © Claude Truong-Ngoc. Source: Wikipedia.

Article added on May 17, 2017 at 20:20 Paris time. Added to our newly designed pages on December 7, 2021.